Are you curious about the healing power of sound? Egg healing through sound is an ancient technique used for centuries to restore balance, harmony, and well-being. With modern technology, it is easier to access this powerful healing modality. In this beginner’s guide to egg healing through sound, we’ll cover the basics of what egg healing is, the benefits, and how to get started.
What is Sound Healing?
The term “sound healing” refers to employing musical instruments, tones, and other forms of acoustic vibration to promote physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. The goal is to induce deep relaxation, reset the nervous system, and let go of suppressed emotions through therapeutically appropriate sound frequencies. The goal is to induce a trance-like state of consciousness when one can tap into their subconscious for guidance or healing.
In a sound therapy session, you’ll listen to soothing music or other noises while lying down or sitting quietly. Concentrating on these comforting sounds lets you let go of worry, tension, and stress. It may also include guided meditations, visualizations, and encouragement of deep breathing.
Introduction to Light Healing
To treat various conditions, scientists have developed devices that emit various colors of light, from invisible near-infrared light through the visible light spectrum (red, orange, yellow, green, and blue) to the safe end of the spectrum where ultraviolet rays are no longer present. Most research has been done on the effects of red and near-infrared light; the former is used to treat skin disorders, while the latter can pass through multiple layers of tissue and bone to reach the brain. Blue light is commonly used to treat acne and is effective against infections. Less is known about the effects of green and yellow light, but green may help with hyperpigmentation, and yellow may slow photoaging.
Humans have long had the intuitive understanding that sunlight and other forms of visible light (colors) can be used to treat illness. European physicians began recommending heliotherapy for various conditions, including tuberculosis, in the late 1800s due to the widespread belief that exposure to sunshine may kill the microorganisms responsible for the disease. Avicenna, a Persian physician active around 1025 AD, believed that colors could treat various disorders. He said that if you get a nosebleed, don’t even look at the color red because it will just make things worse. Red, for example, was thought to increase blood flow, while blue and yellow were thought to decrease body temperature and muscle pain.
Although modern research on light therapy can be traced back to the 1960s, it was not until the late 1980s that NASA scientists began experimenting with light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to stimulate plant growth with the hope that one day astronauts would be able to grow their food while in deep space. It is now practically expected that vegetables like lettuce, kale, and cabbage can be grown in 40-ish-pound rectangular boxes that generate a purple-pink glow. (The magenta hue results from plants taking in red and blue light while reflecting green.) Astronaut Scott Kelly shared this photo from the ISS on Valentine’s Day, 2016: Space zinnias are the front focus, with Earth as the background.
Space travel has an odd effect on flowers, and Kelly brought the zinnias back to life after they had been ruined by mold. Also, it has some quite peculiar effects on the human body. Minor cuts and scrapes don’t mend well in space. The theory holds that the zero-gravity environment affects the cellular and molecular processes involved in tissue repair, although the exact mechanism is unknown. Surprisingly, the scientists who grew the plants under the LEDs found that injuries on their hands healed almost as quickly as they would on Earth. Such an astonishing observation was one of the many that paved the way for the introduction of egg healing, which uses the combined benefits of light and sound therapy to provide the ultimate healing experience.
Harmonic Egg Healing Device Characteristics
Engineering and Design with Intent
The Harmonic Egg’s interior is shaped like a dodecahedron and made of wood. The one-of-a-kind bio-geometrical form concentrates and channels energy into the user. The Harmonic Egg is self-cleaning, unlike the water of a sensory deprivation tank, so that it won’t retain the energies of previous clients. Guests relax in zero-gravity chairs on a hexagonal platform that provides a stimulating view in every direction.
Sessions in the Harmonic Egg are designed around the individual needs of our clients and are facilitated by a state-of-the-art sound system and a spectrum of lighting. Both the light therapy and music are carefully chosen following an in-depth interview with the patient. The tunes you put on will be essential in helping you unwind. Over a thousand songs were analyzed and considered for inclusion in the Harmonic Egg. Naperville’s own Harmony Polo (who also happens to be a co-founder of the Harmonic Egg) created and recorded an original piece, especially for use in the Harmonic Egg.
Biologically Inspired Geometry
Nikola Tesla’s energy importance numbers of 3, 6, and 9 inform the bio-geometric design of the Harmonic Egg. With Tesla’s mathematical Golden ratio in mind, the Harmonic Egg was built to absorb and transform energy. “If you knew the majesty of the three, six, and nine, you would have a key to the cosmos,” Tesla is said to have said. By design, the Harmonic Egg has a dodecahedral shell (12-sided). The zero-gravity chair is situated on an interior hexagonal platform, giving the user 360 degrees of therapeutic space within the egg.
Benefits of Harmonic Egg Healing
Calm Reflection
Hearing relaxing music during egg healing triggers the release of feel-good chemicals in the brain, such as endorphins, serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin, and norepinephrine. These pleasant hormones relieve us from the stress of the “fight or flight” reaction. Relaxation is facilitated by the lowering of both blood pressure and heart rate.
Enhanced Capability to Rest
The peaceful combination of lights and acoustics causes our body to fall asleep quickly without interruption. Intense meditation produces slow brain waves, activating the relaxation response. When played in the bedroom, soothing music can aid in inducing and maintaining sleep. Also, because it helps alleviate tension, sound therapy might make you feel more invigorated upon waking.
Assist in Relieving Pain
In response to physical discomfort, the brain tells the body to reduce or cease the production of specific hormones. However, when we listen to calming music in egg therapy, our brains produce endorphins, which counteract the effects of these inflammatory substances and lessen our pain. Considering that these hormones also contribute to systemic inflammation, they may even contribute to the escalation of pain.
If you’re interested in exploring the power of sound to heal and revitalize, then you may have heard of egg healing through sound. This ancient practice has been used by healers worldwide for centuries and is a powerful way to connect with your body’s energy and vibrations.
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