The scientific thesis, whether it is a master’s or a doctorate, is a document that highlights part of the academic activities (educational and research) in universities, and reflects both the scientific activity of the student and the distinguished scientific activity of the scientific department concerned with the college.
Aspects of writing dissertation
Through the current article, we will learn about all aspects of writing a master’s or doctoral dissertation and the difference between the thesis and thesis, through several points, namely:
- Definition of both the thesis and thesis.
- The difference between thesis and thesis.
- The difference between study, research, master’s thesis, doctoral thesis, and the book.
- The most important instructions when starting to write scientific theses.
Thesis: A supplementary research written to fulfill the requirements for obtaining an academic degree, i.e. it means obtaining an academic degree in academic courses and supplementary research.
Thesis: It means comprehensive written research in fulfillment of the academic regulations for postgraduate studies to obtain a master’s degree by research only, and also to obtain a doctorate degree.
Differences between thesis and dissertation
Many universities in different countries call both master’s and doctoral research together with the word thesis, but there are several differences between thesis and dissertation, which are as follows:
1- The thesis is one of the requirements for obtaining a master’s degree, while the dissertation writing services is considered one of the requirements for obtaining a doctorate degree, while the thesis can be replaced by academic courses, and then the master’s degree is awarded by passing the courses only. As for the thesis, it is considered a condition for obtaining a doctorate. Sometimes it is a supplementary research effort, while at other times it is the main requirement for obtaining a doctoral degree.
2- The doctorate is considered the highest academic certificate in the field of specialization, and whoever obtains it becomes qualified to teach in universities. As for the holder of a master’s degree, he is qualified to continue studying to obtain a doctorate, and in some cases it qualifies the holder to be a teaching assistant or an assistant teacher.
3- There is a difference between the objectives of the thesis and the objectives of the dissertation writing, which necessitates a difference in content, volume and type of knowledge, and in the procedures to which it is subjected before its approval. Based on this, the level of creativity, depth and rooting in the dissertation is required at a higher level than it is in the thesis, after the thesis polished the researcher’s skills and enriched his experience, which qualifies him to be able to practice scientific research himself in the future.
4- The maximum allowable ceiling for completing a master’s degree is cents. As for the dissertation, it is three years. These years may extend to five years for a master’s degree, and it can sometimes reach twice that for a doctorate.
5- The number of master’s pages in some disciplines does not exceed one hundred and fifty pages. As for the doctorate, it reaches two hundred and fifty pages. Despite that, some theses are submitted with hundreds of pages, and some dissertations may reach two thousand pages.
6- The references on which theses are based are fewer in number, and it is also allowed to quote from secondary references. As for theses, they are required to rely on numerous, recent and direct references.
Although there are many differences between the thesis and the thesis, there are some similarities between them (such as objectives, content, and discussion), as long as they are a scientific effort issued by the university under the supervision of specialized professors.
The process of writing scientific theses and dissertations is considered one of the most difficult stages in postgraduate studies, as it requires many skills that must be available in a scientific researcher, which makes the method of scientific writing, formulation, or good linguistic treatment the criterion for judging the quality, credibility, and objectivity of scientific theses, and in order to The scientific researcher follows specific features in writing theses, he must have several skills, namely: — UK’s best dissertation writing services
It is intended that writing is not related to personal opinions or expressing them in a way that is not in their context or includes them, but that objectivity is available through the honest expression of the study’s results, as well as describing and discussing them based on logical analysis, structure and objective conclusion so that the researcher finally reaches recommendations and a conclusion. Answer the questions and hypotheses of the research problem concerned with the study.
The responsibility:
The researcher or student must realize the size of the responsibility that rests on him, and these matters require the researcher to adhere to the ethics of scientific research.
The writing must be clear without being tainted by any ambiguity or ambiguity, and the scientific thesis should be written in a logical and objective context that makes it coherent writing and subject to judgment, discussion or scientific publication in refereed scientific journals.
The writing must be accurate and linguistically correct and within the framework of the rules of scientific research, in order for it to proceed within its specified scope without causing any shortcomings or defect in its linguistic context.
Where scientific research and then writing are based on the basis of the language of logic and the realization of reason, by presenting arguments and proofs that express the sincerity and objectivity of what the researcher obtained, otherwise he will face many criticisms from professors and supervisors, which could lead to refusal to publish the message.
To be formal in writing:
Where the scientific thesis, whether master’s or doctoral, must be devoid of any colloquial words. Rather, the researcher must adhere to scientific academic writing only, and not resort to any writings that express self although the thesis is the property of the researcher and the results of his efforts and perseverance so that there is no tone of condescension and pride.
The power of expressing the message:
It is reflected in the strength of the researcher’s thinking, his culture, and his knowledge of everything related to his field of study.
Writing relies heavily on objectivity, logical thinking, and honesty, as has already been indicated, and then this must be followed by an organized gradual progression from the beginning of writing the thesis to its end, according to the international standards agreed upon in universities.
Choosing or writing a doctoral dissertation writing is the most difficult and important step in preparing for a doctoral dissertation, and many researchers spend a lot of time writing a doctoral dissertation.
And to choose a distinctive and unique dissertation, especially if these researchers are basically science students, and their goals are all directed towards benefiting from science and then benefiting from it.
After obtaining a suitable thesis, the researcher begins to choose the appropriate method, so that he can write a doctoral dissertation writing in a good and scientific way, and it is certainly one of the important points on which the doctoral dissertation is based.
How to write a doctoral dissertation:
The researcher, after obtaining both a bachelor’s and master’s degrees, prepares for a doctoral dissertation.
Where the researcher tries to choose a distinctive and new dissertation, through which he can present a distinctive and useful doctoral dissertation for himself and for the community in which he lives as well.
In choosing his doctoral dissertation, the researcher uses many sources of assistance, as he can use various books and research, as well as surveys related to his master’s topic, and certainly, every step he takes is under the supervision of the supervisor who works with him, who directs him and approves All its research steps from the beginning of the research path.
Later, the researcher, after settling on a suitable doctoral thesis, discusses his thesis through a seminar, where he presents it to a committee consisting of many university professors and experts in the specialty that the researcher wants to research.
And after settling on the required doctoral thesis, the researcher begins his scientific journey, to learn how to write a doctoral thesis in the best possible way, with the help of the best scientific sources.
Techniques of writing doctoral dissertation:
There are some basic steps that the researcher must follow while writing his doctoral dissertation writing, so that he can obtain the desired scientific position, and he can prove the importance of that thesis that has been developed, and among the most important of these steps:
1- Ensure that the research topic or research thesis is not repeated:
Where the researcher must carefully investigate the originality of his doctoral dissertation, before he proceeds to write it.
And that is in order to make sure of the importance of this thesis for him as a researcher, and this certainly requires some strenuous effort from him, as he must see most of the previous letters and theses.
Which is likely to be related to the thesis presented, and then make sure that it has not been raised before from the angle through which it will be dealt with.
2-The research and doctoral purposes must be purely scientific and humanistic:
There is a big difference between a researcher who wants to obtain a PhD for formal purposes.
And a researcher who strives to obtain scientific facts, for there is certainly a very wide difference between them, and there is even no room for comparison, as the first will not have the real motivation for research and writing a truly distinguished dissertation.
While the other will embark on a doctorate and write his thesis through his passion and love for science, which will eventually lead him to the right path, and make him succeed in writing his doctoral thesis with distinction.
3- The doctoral dissertation writing must be related to the researcher’s inclinations, ideas and passion:
Since it is not logical for the researcher to continue to prove facts that are not within his circle of interests.
Rather, he has to prove his worth, difference, and distinction. No matter how hard he tries, he will succeed only in the field that he really loves and cares about.
Therefore, the researcher must first examine himself.
And follow his ideas and inner passion.
Then start writing a dissertation that was built on genuine interest and a confirmed desire for research and investigation.
4- Collecting all the sources related to the doctoral dissertation writing:
- Here the researcher must while writing a doctoral dissertation.
- To be aware of all the sources that will provide him with the benefit.
- And he should know very well where he will get it from, and how he can reach it in the easiest way.
- Then the researcher walks in several directions while writing his doctoral dissertation.
- Where he can draw information from different types of sources.
- Such as books, scientific journals, or even articles published on the Internet.
- He can also use foreign research.
5- Proficiency in the language on which the PhD thesis is based:
- Since the doctoral dissertation can be based on non-Arab ideas.
- And that most of the sources from which it will be written are not written in Arabic.
- Here the researcher will waste a lot of time in translation, if it is necessary to write a good doctoral dissertation.
- The researcher must have an idea of the language from which most of its sources are available.
- Often, the researcher must be highly proficient in the English language.
- They always provide the most reliable sources for writing a PhD thesis.
6- Arranging the ideas of the doctoral dissertation writing in a proper manner leading to the scientific purpose:
It is useful for the scientific researcher to arrange his scientific ideas and to simplify them in a manner conducive to scientific research purposes.
- To put the appropriate margins, and write all the scientific sources and quotations.
- Write down all the important ideas and books that can be used.
- To put it in the form of steps that lead to each other.
- Which makes it easier for him later to reach a suitable dissertation form for the final presentation.
- The ease of organized writing, which must be one of the skills of the academic researcher.
- See all the shortcomings in the research plan in an organized manner.
- As well as the ease of modification and addition while writing a doctoral dissertation.
7- Proceeding with the writing of the doctoral dissertation within the subject and specified timetable:
- Where every academic researcher must set the appropriate time plan for the research.
- Through this he can write his doctoral dissertation in an organized and scientific manner.
- By setting daily working hours at a specific time.
- And an overview of the time it takes to do the research and write the dissertation.
- Which makes the researcher away from excessive dispersion.
- Feel the achievement and progress in writing a doctoral dissertation.
- That was an overview of how to write a doctoral dissertation.
- To provide public benefit to select and write the best doctoral dissertations.
The student who wants to do a Ph.D. thesis can choose English in order to write his thesis, and the student must specify the language in which he will write his Ph.D. thesis with the committee responsible for the Ph.D. thesis.
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