If you’re an author or aspiring author, writing a book is the first step. The next step will be getting people to read it. And if you’re trying to sell your book as a movie, you will need a trailer.
What’s a video book trailer? It’s an advertisement for your book. Still, instead of being 30 seconds long and airing on television at prime time, it’s anywhere from one to three minutes long and plays before or after a movie in theaters.
But what does one look like? How do you make one? What should go into one? How can you create something that will grab people’s attention and make them want to buy your book? Here are the tips on how to make a video book trailer:
Decide A Concept For Your Video Book Trailer
Whether you use it to promote your book on social media or as an advertisement for your website, it’s important to know what you want your video book trailer to accomplish before you begin making it. If you’re not sure about this yet, you might have some research ahead of you.
Research for inspiration
To make a video book trailer, you should look at other book trailers to get an idea of what makes a good one and what doesn’t. You can also check out websites like YouTube, where there are all kinds of videos showcasing different aspects of the publishing industry and how people promote their books by using video book trailers or other types of media.
Choose an app or platform for your video software
To make a video book trailer, you will need software to create your video. You can use an app or program like Windows Movie Maker. If you’re using an app, find one that allows you to add music, transitions, and sound effects.
If you use a desktop program, ensure it also has these features. You will also need to have access to high-quality images of your book cover and other images related to the story.
Create a rough draft of a script
Once you have chosen which software to use, start by creating a rough draft of a script for your video book trailer. This should not be a final copy but rather just a way to organize your thoughts while creating the video so that everything flows together nicely. Once the rough draft is finished, edit the clips into an actual video book trailer!
Make Sure Your Video Has A Compelling Hook
Make sure your video has a compelling hook that draws viewers in immediately. For example, ask yourself this question: “What would get my audience to watch my video instead of the hundreds of others out there?” If you don’t have an answer, consider revising your hook until you do.
Create An Engaging Storyline
Create an engaging storyline that makes sense from beginning to end. Don’t just throw in random clips without regard for how they relate to each other; think about how each clip fits into the larger story arc of your video book trailer and flows logically from one scene into the next (without being too long). Think about how each scene builds up toward something bigger, maybe even something surprising
Use New And Familiar Images And Videos To Capture The Story
While creating your video book trailer, consider what types of visuals will help tell your story. Use images representative of the themes or scenes in your book, and include any photos or videos to help readers understand what they’re getting into when they pick up the book. You may want to consider using screenshots from reviews or other online sources to support your claims about the story’s popularity and acclaim.
Find The Right Music To Accompany Your Video Book Trailer
Music is important when making any kind of video, but it’s especially critical when creating a professional book editing services because it helps set the tone and mood of your story. It should also reflect what you’re trying to convey in the video itself; if you’re trying to convey how funny your book is, for example, then try using upbeat music like pop or rock music instead of classical tunes or jazz numbers that might sound more serious or sad. You can also book editing services near me for the music of your book trailer.
You can also include an audio track that matches the mood of your story and enhances its tone (optional). If you can find music that matches the mood of your story, try adding it as an audio track so that viewers can hear it while they watch the video preview online or on YouTube.
Add Text Or Subtitles To Key Points In The Trailer
Add text or subtitles to key points in the trailer. If you’re using photos and video clips from the book, viewers need to know what’s going on as they watch. Add subtitles that describe what’s happening in each scene.
Edit and re-edit your trailer until it’s just right
Edit and re-edit your trailer until it’s just right. It takes time to get everything right, especially if you’re using photos and video clips from the book. Keep editing until you’ve only included the best parts of your story in your trailer.
Revise Your Trailer Until You’re Happy With It
Now that you have a rough draft go back through and revise it until you are satisfied with the results. It might take several tries to get the right feel for your trailer, but it will be worth it once you do!
Spread The Word About Your Trailer
Once the trailer is completed, it’s time to launch it. One way to get your book trailer in front of more eyes is to spread the word on social media, blogs, newsletters, and emails. The first thing you should do is share your trailer on all of your social media platforms. You can use the share buttons at the bottom of the video to make this process easier. When you have a new book out, it’s important to post about it frequently. A good rule of thumb is to post about your book once a day for the first week after its release date. If you have multiple books out, consider posting about them every other day for two weeks.
Making a book trailer has a dual purpose. First, it helps you get excited about the reading or the book, and you’ll want to read the whole thing to see or find out what happens in the end. The second reason is that it allows you to get your summary and evaluation of the book at the end. Remember that not everyone watching your video will read your words, so you need this video to convey your point concisely.