Your car insurance will cost less if you have a clean driving licence. The insurance company will be pleased with you if you don’t drink or drive. This is a good thing because it is dangerous to drive drunk. If you drink alcohol when you are driving, you may cause a serious accident.
You might hit something, run into another vehicle or even injure someone. This will damage their health as well. Your insurance company will charge you more for your premiums if you have an alcohol addiction. If you have an alcohol problem, you must be willing to seek help if you really want to get rid of this problem. It may be a difficult thing to change.
If you continue drinking, you could end up in a hospital. Alcohol can cause a person to become aggressive. They may be violent when they Hgv medical willenhall drink. This is why a doctor might be able to help you to stop drinking. A qualified doctor can prescribe medicine that can help you to stop drinking. You may even need to go through rehab.
To get a clean driving licence, you need to be willing to go to a medical centre to have your blood alcohol level checked. If you drink alcohol while you are driving, you can lose control of your car. This can lead to an accident. You will not be safe to drive until the level of alcohol in your system is low.