Masih sama dengan penawaran penawaran sebelumnya bahwa sedikit akan kami jelaskan informasi seputar ready mix dari material campuran yang digunakan, proses produksi panduan perawatan hingga pada proses pengiriman menggunakan dua jenis truk mixer molen.
Adhimix ready mix is based on our customer’s experience and our own experience in manufacturing ready mix and its related equipment. With the knowledge from these two, we are confident in our production process. Our customer is one of the leading Adhimix manufacturer in Indonesia. Our products are exported to some countries such as Singapore, Australia, Japan and Taiwan. Our company is one of the suppliers of ready mix and related equipment. We can provide you with high quality product at competitive price. Our products have very good quality. We are able to meet all your needs.
Our factory is in Cipularang area, South Jakarta. This location is easy for you to access. Our company is open from Monday to Friday, 09:00 – 15:00 and Saturday, 08:00 – 12:00. All the orders placed can be processed within 48 hours after receipt of your payment.