Handbags have changed since the 1600s. They were originally just pouches used to carry small items. They later became a fashion accessory. Handbags were traditionally made from either leather, or cotton. Some handbags today are made out of synthetic material. They are usually sold in different colors and patterns. Men would often wear brightly colored handbags to show their wealth. Women wore handbags with jewels and embroidery to show their wealth. Handbags have always been associated with women, but men have also used them as accessories. Some men Women purse wore handbags to match the color of their pants. Other men had distinctive handbags to make it easier to identify them. There are several handbag styles. The classic handbag is the handbag that holds your wallet. It’s made from strong, flexible fabric. Another kind of bag has two straps. One strap is attached to the handle, and the other goes over the shoulder. Some women use this style as a carryall. Another kind of handbag has two separate compartments. These types of handbags are very popular. They have pockets inside them that hold everything. They look great and they are extremely convenient. Handbags have evolved from the traditional type to include many other styles, too. Some handbags have a special zipper that opens to the front of the handbag.