A scientific study has recently reported that if people or individuals tend to experience ongoing stress, then there are chances ongoing stress will lead to impaired vision. This recent study is published in Aging Cell which is a quite famous journal for scientific studies. Scientists in this study studied the relationship between stress and vision loss in rats.
According to this research, when there is chronic stress in the body it causes the cells of the eyes to age. When the cells of the eyes age they degenerate in a fast way. This degeneration of cells increases the risks of vision loss.
Before going to explain the relationship between stress and vision loss, we need to discuss stress in detail because many people don’t have a clear idea about stress. Some people think stress is a disease that only affects the brain while other people take it the opposite. Many online platforms such as Healthwire can help you in understanding the phenomenon of stress and how it can affect your body.
The explanation, here, about stress, will help you understand it in a better way. After reading the portion about the stress you will surely have a clear idea about it. In addition, you will also try to reduce stress because if you don’t it will lead to eye problems.
The simplest definition of stress is that it is the basic human reaction that every individual shows. Many healthcare practitioners say that the human body has a unique design to experience stress often. When there are challenges ahead of you, your body shows a response and this response is physical as well as mental. And we can say that this response is stress.
We can divide stress into two categories: positive and negative. We will call stress a positive thing when it will contribute to the body in a positive and better way. For instance, if the stress of different things such as your work or job is improving your mental level and personality, then we will call it positive stress.
On the other hand, if stress is damaging your mental peace or personality then we will call it negative stress. Negative stress can be really harmful to anyone because it is not easy to get rid of it if you don’t take measures to stop it at the initial levels. Managing stress, if it is harming you, at the initial levels is a must thing because later on, it will include many hard measures.
Many symptoms can occur in the body when there is negative stress. For example, the most common symptoms are aches, pains, trouble sleeping, and weakness in the immune system. When the health of your immune system tends to decrease, there are many diseases to attack your body.
The shakiness of the body along with headaches or dizziness can also occur if negative stress is affecting your body for a long time.
Now, we are sure that you will have a clear idea about the whole phenomenon of stress and how it can affect your body in a positive or negative way. After discussing stress in detail, we now discuss the most recent study again.
Stress and Vision Loss
According to this study, the functioning of eye cells is very similar to the other cells in various body parts. However, if cells age in a fast way the risks of glaucoma will increase accordingly. The aging of eye cells is increasing therefore scientists are estimating that when we will enter 2040 there will be one hundred and ten million patients with glaucoma.
Retinal tissues of the eyes are very subjective to stress. When there is chronic stress in the body there is an increase in intraocular pressure in the eyes. Therefore, the authors of the study indicated that repetitive and chronic stress can cause your eye tissues to age more quickly.
In addition to this, the authors noted that their work emphasizes the importance of early diagnoses and prevention of eye diseases caused by stress or any other health conditions. They further explained that a window of new opportunities will open to prevent eye problems if people try to manage their stress at the initial levels.